суббота, 23 января 2010 г.


В Иркутске произошло массовое отравление людей крещенской водой. В городе зафиксированы более сотни пострадавших, 74 человека попали в больницы. Как сообщает "Россия 24", симптомы у всех отравившихся одинаковые - рвота, головная боль и повышенная температура.

Люди начали поступать в больницы сразу после Крещения. Выяснилось, что они пили воду из двух подземных источников в районе местного храма, а также из иордани, прорубленной прямо в болоте. В мэрии Иркутска для обсуждения сложившейся обстановки экстренно собралась комиссия по чрезвычайным ситуациям. На ее заседании специалисты Роспотребнадзора огласили результаты проведенной ими экспертизы проб воды.

"Были отобраны пробы во всех местах, где бралась вода. По предварительным данным, химический анализ показал превышение содержания хлоридов и азотной группы в 2 раза, что косвенно показывает фекальное загрязнение воды", - сообщил исполняющий обязанности руководителя Роспотребнадзора по Иркутской области Алексей Пережогин.
Представитель Михайло-Архангельского храма Алла Попова не стала отрицать, что нижний источник у храма мог быть загрязнен. После строительства дамбы в этом районе его постоянно подтапливало, и в октябре этого года служители церкви самостоятельно сдали воду на анализ. Однако тогда результаты оказались положительными.

"Анализы говорят, что вода соответствует. Вода питьевая за исключением жесткости. Это октябрь прошлого года, когда уже было затопление. И мы, можно сказать, потеряли бдительность: раз все нормально - и слава Богу", - сказала Попова.
Следственный комитет при прокуратуре РФ начал проверку по факту отравления. В городе введен режим повышенной готовности. На сегодня в инфекционной больнице находятся 74 человека: 38 детей и 36 взрослых. Они поступили с типичными признаками: повышенной температурой, головной болью и рвотой.

"Просто состояние тяжелое. Не ели уже 3 дня. Нет аппетита. Пропустили рабочие дни. Учебу пропустили", - рассказала одна из пострадавших.

"Я бы дала совет: эту воду не употреблять. Можно использовать ее для омывания, и то с осторожностью. Но, все-таки, употреблять воду из любого источника, когда она гарантированно не обеззаражена - это всегда определенный риск", - отметила начальник департамента здравоохранения Иркутска Ирина Губанова.
До выяснения всех причин, источники и иордань в районе храма Михаила Архангела оцеплены милицией. Специалисты просят всех, кто набирал здесь воду, не употреблять ее.

Catholics Come Home?
One of America's many "former Catholics," now an evangelical pastor, considers the latest New Evangelization initiative.
Chris Castaldo | posted 1/19/2010 10:08AM

Over the last week several friends have inquired into the background of a marketing campaign now airing on television networks called Catholics Come Home. Perhaps you've seen it. If so, you were likely impressed, or even intrigued. And maybe, like me, you even paused for a moment and wondered, "Why did I leave the Catholic Church again?"

The Catholics Come Home campaign was founded by its president, Tom Petersen. Twelve years ago Tom returned to the Catholic Church following a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ at a men's retreat. Sensing God's call, Tom consecrated his 25 years of experience in the advertizing field to the task of promoting spiritual renewal among Catholics. This "apostolate" (or what evangelicals might call a parachurch ministry) is dedicated to reversing the tide of lapsed Catholics, calling them, with the warmest intonation and most technologically savvy forms of media, to "come home." As Tom puts it on the website:

Each of our television commercials invites people to come to CatholicsComeHome.org, where they are given the opportunity to learn (or relearn) the truth about the Catholic faith, find their local parish and return home. As our site says, coming home to the Catholic Church has never been easier!

Catholics Come Home wants to partner with Catholics like you to evangelize our fallen-away brothers and sisters, the un-churched and the under-churched. Campaigns are launching in numerous archdioceses and dioceses across the United States. With your help, Catholics Come Home plans to air nationally on mainstream television networks, during the top TV programs in 2010.

After the U.S. airings are underway, plans are slated for international airings—to help fill empty churches across the globe, and re-evangelize our culture worldwide.
The scope of Peterson's vision is enormous, but then again so is the challenge, as the website points out:

Only 33 percent of U.S. Catholics attend Mass on a weekly basis. That means approximately 42.7 million U.S. Catholics are not practicing Catholics.
The number of Americans identifying themselves as non-religious/secular increased 110 percent from 1990 to 2000! It is now 13.2 percent of the total population. Comparing this statistic with the previous one, non-religious, secular individuals outnumber active, Mass-attending Catholics by 58 percent.

As many as 100,000 baptized Catholics in the U.S. drift away from church each year.
With one in ten Americans identifying as "former Catholics," according to a recent Pew Forum study, many in the Catholic Church long for renewal. It is a mission which Pope John Paul II called a "New Evangelization," a lay-led initiative of outreach to inactive or fallen-away Catholics.

Are any Catholics listening? You'd better believe it. The number of organizations "answering the Pope's call," as it's phrased, is impressive. Simply take note of the lawn signs outside of your neighborhood's local parish advertising programs such as "Alpha" and "Theology on Tap," or visit the Vatican's YouTube channel, or tune into Relevant Radio or the EWTN Global Catholic Network, or now surf the web to CatholicsComeHome.org, and you'll see it. Trenchantly conservative, devout, enterprising, organized, and above all committed to the Church, these Catholics are serious. In them, the spirit of Ignatius of Loyola lives.

I haven't heard too many proponents of the New Evangelization compare their efforts to the legacy of Loyola and his Society of Jesus; but for me, an armchair church historian, the parallel is striking. Starting with a commitment to supporting and serving the papacy, both endeavor to promote dynamic faith among laypeople and to enrich the structures of public life. The parallel of theological substance, spirituality, innovation, and evangelistic zeal is remarkable. With this connection in mind, I would like to offer two words of caution: one for Catholics and the other for Protestants.

Catholics would do well to remember that although Jesuits eventually became aggressive adversaries of Protestantism, this was not so in the beginning. As Oxford historian Diarmaid MacCulloch writes, "When the Genevan Pierre Favre, one of Ignatius's closest associates from his Paris student days, instructed fellow Jesuits in how they should treat Lutherans, he stressed that it should be a matter of simple Christian witness, 'speaking with them familiarly on those topics which we have in common and avoiding all contentious arguments in which one party might seem to beat the other.' "

From this historical example, my encouragement to Catholics pursuing the New Evangelization is to remain positive. While there will necessarily be moments of defining yourself over and against Protestants, don't let this become your modus operandi. Unfortunately, this negative trend seems to have already started in some of the above-mentioned apostolates. Even the Catholics Come Home site, in the "Answering Your Questions" section, has some content that is, shall we say, less than winsome. It's one thing to express disagreement with Protestants; it's quite another to portray them as morons.

Protestants must be equally vigilant. For many in our tradition the temptation will be to dismiss or perhaps mock the programs. After all, that's what we're supposed to do when we encounter error, right?

Speaking as an evangelical pastor, card-carrying Calvinist, want-to-stand-up-and-salute-when-I-hear-Luther's-Mighty-Fortress kind of guy, I nonetheless feel secure enough in my Protestant convictions to express appreciation for elements of the Catholics Come Home programs and other New Evangelization efforts. Turning away from sin, commitment to reading Scripture, looking to the Savior, protecting the life of the unborn, serving the poor—these and other such themes are ones that Protestants can affirm, even though we disagree with the institutionalized structure of Catholic authority, the role of the sacraments, and requisite precepts surrounding them. This sort of measured response—consciously gracious while rooted in biblical principles—is more intellectually honest, more missionally compelling, and more genuinely Christian.

Chris Castaldo serves as Pastor of Outreach at College Church in Wheaton and is author of Holy Ground: Walking with Jesus as a Former Catholic (Zondervan). "Speaking Out" is Christianity Today's guest opinion column and (unlike an editorial) does not necessarily represent the opinion of the publication.

Copyright © 2010 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information.

суббота, 17 октября 2009 г.

Особенности праздника мертвых

Труп самоубийцы четыре дня принимали за украшение к Хэллоуину

В Лос-Анджелесе жители отеля Marina del Rey четыре дня принимали тело самоубийцы за украшение к Хеллоуину.

Как пишет The Los Angeles Times, оказалось, что 75-летний Мустафа Махмуд Заит 12 октября застрелился на балконе собственного номера, находящегося на третьем этаже отеля Marina del Rey.

Соседи видели тело, но даже не подумали обращаться в правоохранительные органы. Они приняли труп за чучело, и он четыре дня служил «украшением» улицы ко Дню всех святых.

Полицию вызвали только в четверг, 15 октября.

Хэллоуин (англ. Halloween) — древний кельтский праздник, история которого началась на землях современной Великобритании и северной Франции, празднуется 31 октября, пишет Википедия. Празднуется официально в большинстве стран Запада (включая Эстонию, Латвию, Литву) и стран Скандинавии. В Российской Федерации единственным субъектом, который неофициально принял этот праздник как государственный, является Республика Саха.

суббота, 12 сентября 2009 г.

Мужчины и женщины грешат по-разному?


Исследование прелатов Римско-католической церкви показало, что наиболее распространенный среди женщин грех — гордыня, в то время как у мужчин чревоугодие и похотливость набрали почти равное количество баллов. Эти данные, полученные на основе изучения исповедей, проведенного отцом Роберто Буса, 95-летним монахом-иезуитом, приводит итальянская пресса.

Мужчины и женщины грешат по-разному

??????? ? ??????? ?????? ??-???????

Монсеньер Гиртыш подчеркнул, что наиболее проблемные для мужчин грехи это похоть, затем чревоугодие, лень, гнев, гордыня, зависть и жадность. У женщин выявилась несколько другая последовательность в прегрешениях: наиболее опасные грехи — гордыня, зависть, гнев, похоть и лень. Эти наблюдения над греховностью рода человеческого будут продолжены, пообещали авторы исследования, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.

Мы рождены, чтобы верить в Бога


ЛОНДОН, 7 сентября. Подлинную сенсацию в мировых научных и интеллектуальных кругах вызвало открытие ученых из британского Бристольского университета. Как сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС, исследователи установили, что современный человек рождается с верой в Бога.

«Мы установили, что ход мышления ребенка включает интуитивную веру в сверхъестественное», — заявил руководитель исследований профессор Брюс Худ.

новейшие исследования научного коллектива из Бристоля показали, что без веры в Бога ни Homo Sapience, ни современное общество не могли бы появиться на свет.

По мнению специалистов, на заре человечества те группы людей, которые верили во Всевышнего, в справедливость и упорядоченность миропорядка, создавали более крепкие социальные связи и тем самым повышали степень своей выживаемости. Именно они заложили основы современной цивилизации и дали ей импульс развития.

Соответственно племена и группы людей, лишенные понятия и веры в Бога, распадались и исчезали, не оставив после себя следов.

Miracle of Life

A premature baby declared dead by doctors was found to be alive hours later when he was taken home for a funeral wake.

Staff from the state-run hospital in Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital, delivered the infant's body to Mr Alvarenga's home fours hours later.

the grieving father opened the baby's coffin to bid an emotional farewell to his son.

"I opened it to look at his remains and found that the baby was breathing,

"I began to cry."

He rushed back to the hospital with his unnamed baby in his arms and nurses placed the infant in an oxygen chamber.

He is now reported to be in a stable condition.

doctor handling the case did not properly check the infant's vital signs, and said an investigation would be carried out.

doctor at the hospital's birthing centre, said that medics tried to revive the baby for a whole hour. "His pulse was so low that it was undetectable

Two years ago, a baby boy from Leeds ‘came back to life’ 30 minutes after doctors pronounced him dead.

Are Bible Prophecy students potential extremists?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Extremism and Radicalization Branch, in coordination with the FBI, released their ten page Homeland Environment Threat Analysis on April 7, 2009, titled "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." The purpose of this "one of a series" of threat analysis is "to facilitate a greater understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalization in the United States" so that all "law enforcement officials... may effectively deter, prevent, preempt, or respond to terrorist attacks against the United States."

While the document declares the Threat Analysis must be made in an "overt and transparent manner," the document also commands that "no portion of the LES information should be released to the media, the general public, or over non-secure Internet servers."

The Threat Analysis reports that "domestic right-wing terrorists" are energized by a series of current political and social factors: the economic downturn, the election of an African-American president, the possible passage of new restrictions on firearms, immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, anti-Semitism directed by a perceived "cabal of Jewish 'financial elites,'" the rise of a "New World Order," and the large numbers of returning "military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities."

In response to these factors, the DHS claims "domestic right-wing terrorists" are recruiting veterans for paramilitary training and purchasing and stockpiling weapons and ammunition. They are teaching "their children specifically xenophobia and antidemocratic ideals." And, they are using "the Internet and other information age technologies" for the purposes of planning and implementing "violent extremist attack" upon the government.

The document claims such violence has already begun "in two instances in the run-up to the election" when "extremists appeared to be in the early planning stages of some threatening activity targeting the Democratic nominee, but law enforcement interceded." It also cites the Oklahoma City Bombing by since-executed Timothy McVeigh.

The document parallels today's conditions with 1990, stating "prominent among these themes were the militia movement’s opposition to gun control efforts, criticism of free trade agreements (particularly those with Mexico), and highlighting perceived government infringement on civil liberties as well as white supremacists’ longstanding exploitation of social issues such as abortion, inter-racial crimes, and same-sex marriage."

For people who are concerned about an impending collapse of the United States, the Threat Assessment warns that "historically, domestic right-wing extremists have feared, predicted, and anticipated a cataclysmic economic collapse in the United States." Those who believe this may happen are "conspiracy theorists" who fear "declarations of martial law, impending civil strife or racial conflict, suspension of the U.S. Constitution, and the creation of citizen detention camps."

That concern, the document claims, is fueled by those who believe in "'end times' prophecies." The document says end-time Bible prophecy teachings "have been linked with the radicalization of domestic extremist individuals and groups in the past, such as violent Christian Identity organizations and extremist members of the militia movement."

On a brighter note for all Americans involved, the Threat Assessment reports it "has no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists... [are] currently planning acts of violence." Also, it shares the view that "both right-wing extremists and law-abiding citizens share a belief that rising crime rates attributed to a slumping economy make the purchase of legitimate firearms a wise move at this time."

The DHS/I&A "will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise in right-wing extremist activity in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the political, economic, and social factors that drive right-wing extremist radicalization."